New contributions regarding territory, population and settlement patterns in Terra Alta during Protohistory. A statistical Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis

Marc Pradez Painous

The Terra Alta in south-western Catalonia is a region with a long archaeological heritage that has been object of a number of scientific excavations since the early 20th century. Yet the archaeological interventions were isolated and, with few exceptions, did not lead to the development of any major lines of research regarding the region’s Protohistoric populations as opposed to the well-studied neighbouring areas of Matarraña and the lower course of the Ebro River. The intention of this study is therefore to address the lack of development of this research of this territory and explore the question of population and the patterns of occupation in Terra Alta throughout Protohistory, and introduce a new series of notions based
on the findings of a database and statistical research applying the Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Keywords: Terra Alta, Protohistory, GIS, population, occupation patterns.