Ethical commitment and good editorial practices

In order to ensure good editorial practices and an ethical commitment, the journal's board is committed to the following guidelines.


Truthfulness and originality

Good practices will be reinforced by fighting plagiarism, lack of originality, documentary falsity, incorrect citation, and the illegal use of images, etc. The journal will also serve as a platform to raise awareness of the serious problem of plagiarism and search for solutions to avoid it.

Therefore, the journal will only consider for publication manuscripts in which the identity of the authors is clear and, in the case of multiple authors, that all participated in the writing process. The authors must also guarantee the veracity of the information and indicate its origin. In order to ensure quality and scientific rigour, the journal will not accept redundant manuscripts in which most of the information has already been published in other media.

If plagiarism is detected, the manuscript and its authors will be definitively banned from publication in the RAP.



To ensure the transparency of the peer review process, and at the same time preserve their anonymity, the names of the reviewers will be published in the journal website every five issues.


Ethical commitment by the RAP for the publication of articles

The editorial board of the RAP has agreed to an ethical commitment regarding the publication of articles that deal with archaeological artefacts of unknown provenance or that raise doubts as to their authenticity.


This resolution stems from the alarming danger to archaeological heritage. Its intent is to assist the protection and preservation of archaeological goods for future generations by promoting transparency regarding their possession, acquisition, study and publication.


It follows the example adopted by numerous international journals.


In accordance with this ethical commitment, the RAP establishes the following points:


  • No article presenting archaeological artefacts devoid of records proving their provenance will be accepted for publication. This concerns objects that do not come from an archaeological excavation or for which there is no record of their acquisition by either a public institution and a private collector after 1972, the date of application of the 1970 UNESCO Treaty: Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property


  • The RAP will not publish any article referring to archaeological artefacts of doubtful authenticity or of illicit origin, despite documents proving their legal acquisition, if it is not precisely to discuss and expose this problem.